Personal Account Opening Requirements
Residents - Face-to-Face with NBC Representative (In Branch)
Official/Current/Valid Identification
You may provide any one (1) of the following:
Driver's License (Please provide both front and back)
National ID (Elector Registration Identification Card)
Diplomatic ID (Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade)
Employer ID (Conditions Apply)*
National Council for Senior Citizens Identification Card
Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN) Card for persons without a Driver's License
Proof of Address:
Utility bill (no more than six months old) showing the applicant's name and place of residence
Postmarked envelope (no more than six months old) addressed to the applicant
Current credit card or bank statement (no more than six months old)
National ID (Electoral Registration Identification Card)
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form for Tertiary Students - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Contact Details for two (2) Referees (where applicable)
Name, telephone number(s) and occupation for any two (2) of the following, known to applicant for at least one (1) year, with the exception of banks, schools and employers:
Customer of NBC for at least one (1) year (must not be an immediate family member such as parent, daughter/son, sibling, spouse, in-law, etc.)
NBC Manager
Minister of Religion
Justice of the Peace
Another Bank's Manager
Medical Doctor
Teritary Students may also provide the following:
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Pensioners may provide any one (1) of the following:
Letter from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Copy of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Direct Deposit Information form, duly signed and witnessed as per the instructions on the form
Copy of pension cheque/book showing applicant’s name and the amount payable
Teritary Students may also provide the following:
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Minimum Opening Deposit
10,000 NBC S.T.A.R.T (up to 17 years of age)
25,000 NBC Regular Save
30100 NBC Quick Save
35,000 NBC On The Go Standard
55,000 NBC Gold Club (age 55 and over)
75,000 NBC Sunshine Savers
100 units of foreign currency ( India,US, Can, Pound, Euro)
Proof of Income/Employment
Employed persons may provide any one (1) of the following:
Letter from employer (no more than six months old)
Pay slip (no more than six months old)
Proof of salary sent to bank account for the last three months
Self-Employed persons/Sole Traders may provide any one (1) of the following:
Letter from an Accountant indicating the salary/range and title of applicant
Applicant’s tax return
Bank Statement of the business (no more than six months old)
Self-Employment/Unemployment Verification form (See document section below)
Unemployed persons may provide:
Self-Employment/Unemployment Verification form (See document section below)
India Residents - Online Account Opening
India Residents using their National ID, Driver’s Licence or Passport along with the account opening requirements outlined above, may choose to open a Savings account online without visiting a branch, via our Remote Onboarding by clicking on the link:
Non-Residents - Face-to-Face with NBC Representative (In Branch)
Official/Valid/Current Identification
You may provide any two (2) of the following:
US Passport Card
Resident Alien Card (USA) or equivalent in other countries
Driver’s license issued by the country in which applicant is resident
State issued Non-Driver Photo identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicle (USA only)
Tax Identification Number
Social Security Number (USA only) or National Identification Number (UK) or equivalent in any other country
Contact details for two (2) referees
Name, telephone number(s) and occupation for any two (2) of the following, known to applicant for at least one (1) year, with the exception of banks, schools and employers:
Letter from applicant’s overseas bank (desirable)
Notary Public
Customer of NCB for at least one (1) year (must not be an immediate family member such as parent, daughter/son, sibling, spouse, in-law, etc.)
Attorney-at-Law, Solicitors, Barristers
Ministers of Religion
General Practitioners
Self-Employed persons/Sole Traders may provide any one (1) of the following:
Applicant’s tax return
Bank Statement of the business (no older than six months old)
Letter from an Accountant, indicating the salary/range and title of applicant
For accounts being opened via the UK Representative office, in addition to the above listed forms of identification, you may also present the following:
Employer identification card (Conditions apply)
Resident permit identification
Senior Citizens Travel Card (UK)
Provisional Driving License (UK)
Proof of Address
Utility Bill (no more than six months old) showing the applicant’s name and place of residence
Postmarked envelope (no more than six months old) addressed to the applicant
Current credit card or bank statement (no more than 6 months old)
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form for Tertiary Students - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Tertiary Students may also provide the following:
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Proof of Income/Employment
Employed persons may provide any one (1) of the following:
Letter from employer (no more than six months old)
Pay slip (no more than six months old)
Proof of salary being sent to bank account for the last three months
Tertiary Students may also provide the following:
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Non-Residents - Non-Face-to-Face
Certified copies of two official/valid/current identification, one of which must be a certified copy of the applicant’s passport:
US Passport Card
Resident Alien Card (USA) or equivalent in other countries
Driver’s license issued by the country in which applicant is resident
State issued Non-Driver Photo identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicle (USA only)
Certified copy of Tax Identification Number:
Social Security Number (USA only) or National Identification Number (UK) or equivalent in any other country
Proof of Address:
Certified copy of utility bill (no more than six months old) showing the applicant’s name and place of residence
Certified copy of a postmarked envelope (no more than six months old) addressed to the applicant
Certified copy of current credit card or bank statement (no more than six months old)
Certified copy of Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form for Tertiary Students - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Contact details of referees (name, telephone number(s) and occupation) known to applicant for at least one (1) year, with the exception of banks, schools and employers.
You may present any two (2) outlined below, if one of the two is a bank reference and if not, any three (3) of the following:
Letter from applicant’s overseas bank (desirable)
Notary Public
Customer of NBC for at least one (1) year (must not be an immediate family member such as parent, daughter/son, sibling, spouse, in-law, etc.)
Attorney-at-Law, Solicitors and Barristers
Ministers of Religion
General Practitioners
Self-Employed persons may provide any one (1) of the following:
Certified copy of Applicant’s tax return
Certified copy of bank statement of the business (no older than six months)
Certified copy of letter from an Accountant, indicating the salary/range and title of applicant
Tertiary Students may also provide the following:
Reference, Proof of Address & Source of Funds Form - Local & Overseas (See document section below)
Proof of Income/Employment
Employed persons may provide any one (1) of the following:
Certified copy of letter from employer (no more than six months old)
Certified copy of pay slip (no more than six months old)
Certified copy of proof of salary being sent to account for the last three months